HP11em, a C++, GTK, Linux, simple HP-11C calculator emulator, is available on GitHub.
The HP-11C was a mid range RPN scientific programmable calculator, produced by Hewlett Packard from 1981 to 1989; it was part of the HP Voyager series, which included a basic scientific calculator (HP-10C), a business one (HP-12C), an advanced scientific one (HP-15C) and another one for computer programmers (HP-16C), too.
This emulator aims at reproducing the same functionalities of the HP-11C, without the need of any original ROM.
Currently it is not even remotely to be considered completed, but I decided to publish it, under the GPLv3 license, of course, so that anybody who is interested in it can contribute.
At the moment it offers the following functionalities:
- simple GTK GUI, almost finished, with a realistic picture of the original calculator
- (very) basic operations (+, -, ×, ÷, log, ln, sqrt, square, int, frac, 1/x, y^x, 10^x, abs, chs, pi);
- storage(STO) and recall(RCL) functions;
- stack operations (shift, x y exchange, CLx).
It does NOT support the following functionalities:
- trigonometric functions;
- percent difference;
- polar and rectangular conversion;
- statistic functions;
- engineering notation;
- exponents (EEX key);
- programming mode.
For more information about HP-11C see the following links:
26 Apr 2015 by giulio